The STEM Experiential Learning Journey (the STEM Journey) has been developed by the AustSTEM Foundation as a whole-of-school programme introducing real world data and technology to subjects across the curriculum from Stage 3 onwards.
By taking the STEM Journey, teachers and their students will develop the practical skills to assess and draw conclusions based on real-world data and evidence and be able to apply those skills in novel situations.
STEM Journey Programme
Schools can purchase a complete STEM Journey Programme package from AustSTEM targeted at Stage 3 primary school and Stage 4 secondary school teachers who may be unfamiliar with technology or STEM teaching; lack confidence in coding; or may not have experienced technology simple and useful enough to enhance subjects across the curriculum.
It is supported by a Kookaberry Class Kit and, most importantly, two 5-hour professional learning and teacher accreditation courses.
Kookaberry Class Kit

Schools purchasing the STEM Journey Programme will be provided with a Class Kit comprising 15 Kookaberries, accessories and sets of peripherals.

Basic Professional Learning & Accreditation
Schools purchasing the STEM Journey Programme are encouraged to have their teachers learn the basics of the Kookaberry and its support systems BEFORE introducing it into their classrooms.
AustSTEM is developing a scalable on-line accreditation course which will deliver at least 5 hours of self-paced blended professional learning in three Modules to individual teachers participating in the STEM Journey Programme.
Module 1: Exploring the Kookaberry Ecosystem
Module 2: Peripherals, apps, and learning plans
Module 3: Preparing for the classroom
The course will familiarise teachers with the operation of the Kookaberry; its apps and website features; and will guide them through its use in a sample lesson plan. In its final on-line version, it will include at least 1 hour of on-line mentoring and support.
Until this course is fully developed and proven in practice, it will be delivered face-to-face or via Zoom.
Teachers nominated by their leadership team for accreditation will be provided with training kits comprising two Kookaberries and a range of peripherals. The training kits will be sourced from a school’s Class Kit.
Advanced Professional Learning
It is recommended that teachers familiar with STEM experiential and project based learning and traditional technology tools such as the Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and the micro:bit, undertake at least two hours of advanced Kookaberry-targeted professional learning before using them in their classrooms
This will serve to
acquaint them with the differences between the Kookaberry and other platforms
get the most from the Kookaberry ecosystem;
learn about current and future extensions, and
integration with other systems, platforms, peripherals, and tools
STEM Journey Delivery and Support Roadmap

Support along the STEM Journey
This Kookaberry website will be continually updated and augmented though the addition of Apps and Lesson plans submitted both by AustSTEM and third parties.
Extension kits are being designed to be used as a resource in support of the iSTEM syllabus and STELR modules. Other resource kits will be developed in response to demand.
Additional online tutorials covering coding and other advanced features will be added as they are developed.