An app for the Kookaberry

Developed by
Tony Strasser
The AustSTEM Foundation
This measures, logs, and transmits temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH) data using either the popular DHT11 sensor or the slightly more expensive (but with better specifications) DHT22.
Step 1: Setup
Set up app by plugging either a DHT11 or DHT22 sensor into P2. The DHT11 is the blue sensor on the left below.
Step 2: Running the app
Navigate to the the SenseDHT app and press Button B to run
What is showing on the Home screen?
- Row 1: Name of peripheral being used; Kookaberry ID; Sensor being used (DHT11 or DHT22)
- Row 2: Temperature in degrees Celsius
- Row 3: Relative Humidity in %
- Row 4: Date and Time. [This can be set to real time using the Kookatime apps]
- Row 5: Button A for Exit. Time in seconds until start of next data logging sample. [This is set in the Kappconfig file with a default of every 2 seconds.]
Step 3: Using the app (Real time data logging)
- Set the real time [See Tutorial: Setting Real Time for Data Logging]. [This is not necessary if spot measurement, or simple elapsed time data logging is all that is required.]
- Run the app for as long as required. The data will be logged at the sampling interval set in the _Config file. The default is 2 secs but can be changed by simply overwriting the default value. For instance, making the interval 600 means that sampling will occur every 10 minutes.
- The logged data will be stored as a CSV file in its USB memory. The data can be retrieved when the Kookaberry is connected to a computer and displayed for analysis on the class monitor or whiteboard. The CSV file looks like this
- The logged data can also be displayed in a browser on a computer using the GraphCSV app.
- The measured data is transmitted (but without the date stamp) once per sensor sample over the packet radio. This can be seen in real time in the REPL window of the KookaIDE editor if connected to a computer when running the app.
Peripherals used by this app
Last Updated:
5 years ago
Radio code:
App ID: